Hi, I’m Lon Bové, director of Banda Terraquea, Brazilian Rhythm & Blues band, and through our non-profit organization, the “Association Radio Terra”, We are organizing a sea turtle protection festival together with the Punta Banco Turtle Project from June 16 to 18, which will take place in “Punta Banco” Costa Rica.
We’ll doing 2 shows involving the community and festival participants with music and recycling workshops.
You can support this project by downloading Banda Terraquea's album, “Agua Vida Pura Vida” by making a donation of any amount. The money goes directly to the “Tortugas Punta Banco” Project, a sea turtle conservation project, designed with the aim of benefiting sea turtles, an endangered species, preserving marine biodiversity and promoting efforts to protect the oceans. In addition, families around the nesting area receive employment opportunities with the project.
Donations of any amount can be made to the project account Here:
Or make a tax deductible donation via Zelle to non-profit, Radio Terra Project account:
Federal TIN: EIN 87-1872761
Radio Terra Association
425 Walnut Street Cincinnati, OH 45202
Please share this link about our project with your friends:
It is a project formed with the musicians of Banda Terráquea, (Sounds like “To Rock YA”). We offer free LIVE Stream music lessons once a week live on our YouTube channel for all those people who have always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument such as guitar, drums, harmonica, guitar or else learn to sing professionally or even as a hobby but can't afford it.
Do you want to be a partner or sponsor of Projeto Rádio Terra?
If you want to become our sponsor, or partner, it's also super easy, just send an email to ongradioterra@bandaterraquea.com and we'll pass on more information. Remembering that all sponsors of the Rádio Terra NGO can get a tax deduction on their Income Tax Return.
The American Lon Bové is a master in education and has nine Grammy nominations for his album M.O.T.H. Lon was also the creator of the "Toque Bahia" project, in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation and Canal Futura, which took music to children in the Alagados neighborhood (SSA-BA).